Friday 7 October 2011

Why Gardening

I was wondering what can make us come out of stress and smile, what can help us to live healthy but in more simpler way. The answer came out too simple, thats your garden.
It doesn't matter how long your day may go or how much stress you underwent at your work, when u are back home just watering your plants talking to them and taking care of small things vaporizes the stress and pain.

I started doing gardening when i was a kid. I used to spend lot of time with my granny in our big garden. We used to sit watch the plants for insects, removing dry leaves, putting manure and many more small things. Those days garden is a must in the house 'front yard' that is what people call now. We used to share plants from our neighbors and friends. I never realized when this activity became a hobby and till today i spend the same time alone though and some time when i visit my granny. 

Gardening is the one simple way keeps you healthy and make your living place pleasant. Coming days i would like to share my ideas and interest specially with container, terrace and patio garden. Hope all goes well.. 

Keep reading.


  1. Can you give me a idea of Fengshu based garden and Bonsai based garden

  2. Choyee your post is very helpful for people like me who are much interested in gardening.
    Will visit your blog often



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